In the Transformers Universe, filled with giant powerful and almost god-like robots competing for power, it can be difficult to determine who the strongest and most powerful Transformers are.
So I decided I’d create this list, The Top 30 Strongest Transformers, so you can see just who takes the mantle and start sleeping a little better at night (I assume you lose sleep over this? lol jk)
So who are the most powerful Transformers?
In this list I’ve tried my best to look at physical strength and power mostly. Whilst I touch on Comic Book G1, I’m drawning mostly from the American and Japanese G1 cartoons.
Ok, let’s get into it. We’ll start with some obvious ones.
Optimus Prime

He’s the most well known Transformers out there today.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and for good reason, he’s one of the most powerful without being a Dinobot, Combiner or city-sized behemoth!
He’s the only one who seems to have any luck in a scuffle with Megatron and was the first true threat to the Decepticons in the original cartoon after being rebuilt by Alpha Trion.
Naturally, Optimus makes the list but I thought I’d get the obvious ones out of the way. Speaking of Obvious..

Just like Optimus, above, Megatron has at times proven himself to be one of the most powerful of his allegiance. If he is outgunned physcially, he wins his battles with intelligence and strategy.
As the leader of the Decepticons, his power is both respected and feared and he has proven himself to quite often be the only one who is a match for Optimus Prime.
Megatron will forever be known as the main Decepticon who not only has intense power but sharp cunning and strategy.

When Megatron was reformatted by Unicron, he became Galvatron – an even more powerful Decepticon than before.
If it weren’t for his unstable insanity, Galvatron could have easily become a more formidable foe than Megatron, however this didn’t seem to be the case – at least in the cartoon continuity.
He still ranks as one of the strongest and most dangerous Transformers of all time.

Primus is in many continuities the good of the Transformers and transforms into Cybertron itself.
The sheer size and god-like nature of Primus makes him an obvious entry to this list, especially since he gave life to the Transformers and is an icon for the Autobots to rally behind.
He is, without a doubt, one of the absolute most powerful beings on this list and cannot be ignored!

Metroplex is a City sized Transformer in both the cartoon and comic book continuities with an immense amount of strength and firepower.
Metroplex is often the only being strong enough to deal with giant Transformers such as Trypticon seems to be often ranked as the most powerful Autobot there is.
Even in City mode he proves to be symbol of power and has become a fan favorite over the years.
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Nova Prime

Nova Prime was Prime who lead before Sentinel Prime in the G1 Comic Continuity (who was later replaced by Optimus Prime after his death).
Nova Prime unified warring tribes under the rule of the individual 13 Primes. After being sucked in the Dead Universe he was able to hop between dimensions and warp reality with the energy at his disposal.

Trypticon is a city sized Decepticon who was the rival of Metroplex in the original G1 cartoon and comic books.
He was the largest and most powerful Decepticon during his prime and was generally only able to be stopped by Metroplex or another Transformer of equal size.
Trypticon often served as transport or a based for many Decepticons during the great war.
Fortress Maximus

Fortress Maximus was, specifically in the G1 Cartoon, a massive Transformer supposedly larger than Metroplex – although this was never shown.
This made Fortress Maximus’ power immense and he was the Autobots leader and most powerful weapon during the ‘Headmasters’ Japanese cartoon and the only true defense against the similarly sized Decepticon Scorpinok.
Fortress Maximus is a Headmaster, as his head transformers in the Autobot Fortress, who himself is reasonably large and of similar size to Autobot leaders such as Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime.
Deszaras (Deathsaurus)

Deszaras, known as Deathsaurus in the US, was the commander of the Decepticons during the Japanese G1 series Transformers: Victory.
His own personal power as a Breastmaster (yeah, funny name lol), was immense, to the point where he has given Star Saber an absolute flogging during their battles.
Apart from being the most powerful Decepticon during his reign as commander, he also has one of the most powerful Decepticon Fortresses ever, until it was sealed away in deep space by Star Saber.
He’s an intimidating and immensely powerful Transformer, and one of the most dangerous in Transformers Generation One.

Scorponok is one of the largest Decepticons in History (if not the biggest). His size is often contended with the likes of Metroplex, Fortress Maximus and other City-Sized Transformers.
Scorponok was a massive Decepticon in the 4th season of the US Transformers cartoon but was actually the Decepticon leader after the death of Galvatron in the Japanese G1 series Transformers Headmasters.
With his immense size came his power and he was always working to increase his strength. This guy is one of the most powerful of all time!

Liokaiser is an exceptionally powerful and skilled combiner / gestalt under the command of Deszaras in Transformers Victory.
He proved to be one incredibly deadly foe when he made a heap of trouble for the Autobots and even Star Saber himself. Not to be underestimated, Liokaiser is one of the most dangerous combiners around!

Abominus is another Decepticon combiner for the unit the Terrorcons.
According to the Dreamwave collection of G1 Transformers Bios, Abominus is the most powerful combiner of them all with immense strength.
Known more for power and less for cunning and intelligence, Abominus is pure, brute strength.
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Omega Supreme

Omega Supreme is an Autobot who is sized similar to that of a combiner but, according to the original G1 Transformers cartoon, was a guardian robot with immense power and strength.
Omega is known for being extremely difficult to defeat and gives Devastator, his rival, a beating from time to time.
Omega Supreme is also a fan favorite as his personality is very blunt and he is driven by revenge against the Constructicons.

It’d be difficult to think of Unicron as anything but the most powerful Transformer to ever appear in the G1 cartoon.
He destroys planets. Need I say more?
OK I’ll say more – he EATS planets and was nearly responsible for the destruction of Cybertron and was beaten by the conveniently powerful Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

While Abominus is considered the strongest Combiner in the Dreamwave G1 bios, Predaking is essential more balanced with incredible power backed by skill and cunning.
Predaking has always been known as one of the most powerful combiners in the Transformers Universe as his team, the Predacons, are the ultimate predators.
Predaking is also a massive fan favorite as he is just an absolute badass!

This Autobot Combiner was a part of the Japanese Transformers Headmasters line up.
Made from 6 Trainbots, Raiden is a powerful Autobot perfect for battlign larger, more powerful Decepticons.

Overlord is a huge fan favorite!
We first meet Overlord during the Supergod Masterforce G1 Series from Japan. He starts out as a Godmaster, with 2 humans responsible for his operation before becoming a Decepticon on his own.
Overlord proves to be exceptionally powerful and gives the leader of the Earth Autobot Team, God Ginrai, a beating during their battles.
Overlord is highly intelligent, strategic and extremely powerful in the original G1 Japanese cartoon.

As the most intelligent of the massive Transformer combiners, Computron is also an incredibly powerful.
With his team of Technobots, Computron is very exacting with his power, calculating the most efficient way to fight and solves problems. The only problem is he often thinks a little too much and can be blindsided by quicker, less procrastinating Decepticons

During the days of Megatron, Bruticus was the ultimate combiner built upon his team of Combaticons – Decepticons built for combat and based on military vehicles.
Bruticus has in interesting backstory in the G1 cartoon, as he was built by Starscream to fight back against Megatron after their falling out. H emade short work of the powerful Devastator before being surprised attacked by Menasor.
Bruticus was for a time, the most dangerous combiner in the Decepticon army.
Black Zarak

After Scorponok’s loss to the Autobots in Transformers Victory, his fortress sized body was destroyed. So Scorponok had a smaller but still immensely powerful Transtector created – Black Zarak!
Black Zarak was the most powerful Decepticon in the Super God Masterforce and Overlord’s superior. A badass character with crayz strength, he proved to be an incredibly difficult enemy for the Autobots to defeat.
Star Saber (Victory Saber)

Star Saber is the cool, super powerful Autobot leader form the Transformers Victory series (Japanese G1, taking place years after the American cartoon).
In the cartoon is presented as the most powerful warrior in the galaxy, however he does suffer some loses against a few guys in this list. He does however come back in true hero fashion and prove his worth though.
After his Upgrade and combination with Victory Leo, he became Victory Saber and was basically unstoppable from there.
Star Saber is one hell of a Powerful Transformer!

Defensor is one of the Autobot Combiners that was introduced at the end of the second season of the original, US Transformers G1 Cartoon.
His strength and power come with his size and the combination of the Protectobots. He is the second Autobot combiner/combiner team to join the Autobot forces on Earth during the great war.
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Menasor and the Stunticons were an attempt by Megatron to tip the balance of power against the Autobots.
As the Decepticons held supremacy in the sky, the Autobots were superior warriors on the ground. So Megatron used Vector Sigma to create the Stunticons who specialized in ground fighting and stunts and, with that, one hell of a strong con!
God Ginrai

We have another Japanese G1 entry with the inclusion of God Ginrai…. not to be confused with the identical looking but entirely separate character Optimus Prime!
As a God Master, Ginrai was originally controlled by a human of the same name in a body identical to Optimus Prime he then went through two upgrades to become first, Super Ginrai and then God Ginrai – one of the Most powerful Autobot warriors ever.
He later became a full Autobot and was no longer linked to his human counterpart. He was then a friend and fellow warrior with StarSaber during Victory, before being fatally wounded and rebuilt as Victory Leo – an even more powerful warrior who combined with Star Saber to become Victory Saber!

So Megatron used Vector Sigma to create the Stunticons to combat Autobots on the ground, Optimus Prime flipped the situation and create the Aerialbots and their combined form – Superion!
Superion is powerful warrior but not the most powerful combiner on this list. Either way though, he packs a hell of a punch and is a match for many of the Decepticon combiners during his prime.

Devastator, the OG combiner and Decepticon badass.
As a combination of 6 Constructicons, Devastator immense size and strnegth made him a fan favorite aswell as a very dangerous and powerful opponent for the Autobots.
For sometime the Autobots had no soldiers of similar size to fight back (before Superion was built and Omega Supreme arrived), so Devastator proved to be a big shift in in the balance of power between Autobots and Decepticons.

Grimlock, the leader of the Dinobots is known for being a thick skulled but incredibly dangerous Autobot with insane power.
Although not combiner size, Grimlock is much larger than most Autobots and Decepticons, towering over Optimus Prime and the others. When he has the other four Dinobots at his command, they are and insanely dangerous team to tangle with.
Also int eh comic Grimlock is just as powerful, more intelligent and even ends up as the leader of the Autobots on a few occasions – he has crown and all

Brawn is a special case.
He’s not big, he’s quite small really. He’s not someone who tips the balance of power too much but one thing is for sure – he is, pound for pound, the strongest Transformer out there.
He’s like a miniature strongman who has surprisingly immense power for his size – being stronger than many Transformers vastly larger than he is. So he deserves a mention here also.
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Piranacon (King Poseidon)

King Poseidon, aka Piranacon, is in some continuities multiple times stronger than most of hte other Decepticon combiners.
This makes him perhaps the most powerful of all of the combiners!
He makes an appearance in Transformers Super God Masterforce and is dangerous foe until the the real heavy hitter step in, Overlord and Black Zarak as they fight against God Ginrai.
Don’t underestimate Kind Poseidon!
Dai Atlas

The final bot on this list is also the last guy to make an impressionable appearance in a G1 cartoon – The Autobot Commander Dai Atlas!
After Victory Saber (Star Saber) is badly wounded in Transformers Zone, Dai Atlas steps up as the new Autobot leader after single handedly taking on a small army of the Decepticons most powerful generals – who are also on this list!
Since Transformers: Zone only ever saw one episode, repackaged into an OVA, we never got to see much of this guy – which is a shame because he’s an exciting character in a series which would have been a fantastic watch if the first episode was anything to go by!
So, do you agree?
With a fan base as strong as that of Transformers, there’s bound be some conflicting opinions out there – so leave a comment below and let’s get this conversation started!
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