One thing that we Transformers fans love about the mythology is the long history the characters have, often spanning back millions of years within the universe’s history.
To explore it a bit, I wrote this post with a rough history behind the leaders of the Autobots.
Starting from ancient times spanning into the future the leaders and their stories are told magnificently through the cartoons of the Transformers Franchise. Here’s a look at the chronological in which each leader took command.
To start with, we’ll be focusing on the G1 cartoons – both US and Japanese G1 Continuities. So, let’s get into it!
A3 / Alpha Trion

I remember first seeing this guy int cartoon and being blown away by justhow cool and expansive the Transformers Universe was becoming.
Also, he was the first Transformer I saw with facial hair lol.
He started as A3, an Autobot fighting for freedom against the Quintessons and their guardians way back during the Ancient times of Cybertron.
As the years passed he became Alpha Trion, a scientist and leader. He became responsible for bringing new life to 2 deceased Autobots after a devastating attack by Megatron.
These two Autobots were named Orion Pax and Aerial, who he rebuilt into warriors named Optimus Prime and Elita One. It was from there command was passed to Optimus Primem the first Autobot built for fighting, to continue the battle.
Optimus Prime

Do you recognize this guy at all? His name is Optimus Prime!
The most famous Autobot in Cybertronian history and the most respected leader to ever carry the Matrix. Optimus was built by Alpha Trion during the Golden Age of Cybertron, just as Megatron was starting the Great War.
In search of energy to help his Autobots fight and survive in this losing war, Optimus took an Ark of Cybertron’s finest into outer space where, after an attack by Megatron, crashed into prehistoric Earth. It was there in 1984 that he awoke and fought against the Decepticons againt until his death in 2005 after a fatal battle with Megatron.
But that wasn’t the end! His corpse was reanimated by the Quintessons’s and after some time, eventually repaired so he may come back and reclaim leadership of the Autobots.
Ultra Magnus

Ultra Magnus was Optimus Prime’s choice to lead the Autobots after his passing.
In Optimus Prime’s final minutes before his first death, he passed the Autobot Matrix of Leadership over to one of his most respected soldiers, Ultra Magnus.
Ultra Magnus’ command of the Autobots was short lived after being almost destroyed by Galvatron and losing the Matrix. It wasn’t until a young warrior reclaimed the Matrix from Galvatron and was chosen to lead that his official command was released.
Ultra MAgnus then took the place of second in command under the new Autobot leader…
Rodimus Prime

Ths Autobot leader was chosen by the Matrix itself to lead to Autobots.
A young Autobot named Hot Rod managed to steal back the Matrix from Galvatron, from there the Matrix empowered Hot Rod with the wisdom and strength inherit in the Matrix and named him Rodimus Prime.
Rodmius’ command was also short lived, spanning only a few short years.
His efforts and those under his command regained control of Cybertron, but in desperate times a plan was devised to bring back the most respected leader of them all, Optimus Prime.
In the Japanese continuity, Optimus was only around for a short time before sacrificing himself to save Cybertron. Thus, Rodimus was once again given command. It wasn’t until a terrible explosion that destroyed Cybertron some time afterward that Rodimus was able to step down, and leave with a handful of Autobots to find a new home. He then passed leadership onto the next best candidate.
Fortress Maximus

This is where the Japanese Continuity begins in the series Transformers: Headmasters…
After their arrival back to Cybertron and the planet’s eventual destruction, Fortress was the Headmaster commander who was handed leadership of the Autobots to him by Rodimus.
Fortress was also the headmaster who could combine into the city sized Fortress Maximus, making him the only clear match (apart from maybe Metroplex) to fight against the giant Scorponok.
He then lead as any other great leader did, and fought against the Decepticons. When Fortress was able to defeat the Autobot Leader Scorponok, the Autobots left Earth to continue the good fight in space. As years pass, another war started on Earth, so the Autobots turned to a new leader to help them achieve victory.
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While not leader of the entire Autobot force, Hawk was one of the Autobot Pretenders who crashed on Earth Millions of years ago and kept an eye on the planet to ensure the Decepticons they imprisoned there would never return.
He lead a small team of Autobots who fought for the cause after the Decepticon Pretenders stepped abck out into the world but shortly later was given the Opportunity to retirehis command and pass it onto another Autobot who he considered more fit for the job.
This all took place during the events of Transformers: Super God Master Force.

During the Autobot search for Godmasters (during the Master Force series), humans who could control giant Autobots, a man named Ginrai was found who inhabits a robot who looks pretty much identical to Optimus Prime. Although this resemblance is never mentioned.
Godmaster Ginrai was a human driven Autobot who fought against the Decepticons’ most powerful soldiers and defeated them all – as he was the most powerful of the godmasters within the Autobot ranks.
His human input became the personality of the Autobot Ginrai. After Victory over the Decepticons, Black Zarak and Overlord, he left Earth with the remaining Autobots in similar fashion to Fortress, to help shift the conflict away from Earth.
This begins the next series after Super God Master Force: Transformers: Victory!
Star Saber / Victory Saber

Due to the popularity of Transformers: Victory and his general awesomessness, Star Saber is one of the most popular Autobots to ever come out of the Japanese animated shows.
Some years after the events of Masterforce, Star Saber was elected leader of the Autobots and was charged to face the Decepticons and their new leader Deszaras.
He fought many battles and was considered the finest warrior in the galaxy until he suffered some horrible defeats by Deszaras and Liokaiser. He then powered up with Victory Leo, a rebuilt Ginrai, to become Victory Saber. The two powerful leaders combined to create an unstoppable Autobot whowas able to defeat and eventually destroythe mad Decepticon leader, Deszaras.
Some time afterwards Victory Saber went missing whilst on a rescue mission. After returning battered and injured, he passed command on the hero of the OVA Transformers: Zone – Dai Atlas.
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Dai Atlas

Unfortunately, This epic Transformer, Dai Atlas, was only in one episode as the Transformers: Zone pilot didn’t get the green light to go into production.
Dai Atlas took command of the Autobots to fight against Violenjiger and his Decepticons. As the usual fashion of war went, Dai Atlas and his team of Autobots defeated Violenjiger and peace was once again found – although you need to do some reading to find out how
But peace never lasted long, as the body of Galvatron was recovered an rebuilt into Super Megatron. Proving to be a deadly foe the Autobots, under the leadership of Dai Atlas, the Autobots rebuilt and revived Optimus Prime, but as a new warrior named Star Convoy.
Star Convoy

The story contiued beyond the Japanese cartoon series as Star Convoy battled against Super Megatron in the last major war between the Autobots and Decepticons before the events in Beast Wars (in the Japanese continuity).
Star Convoy relieved Dai Atlas of his command. As the only warrior worthy of commanding Dai Atlas, Star Convoy was every bit the just leader, as Prime himself was previously, and once again defeated Super Megatron and restored peace to the galaxy.
What about the comics?
It’s true, the comic books had their own continuity with various leaders taking the mantle in a different fashion to those of the cartoons.
I’m not as well versed in teh comics as I am int he cartoons, but I’ll list below some of the Autobot leaders from the Marvel G1 comic series.
Oh yeah, Grimlock was leader of the Autobots after Prime….twice. He even wore a crown!

After Prime was destroyed (and saved to 5inch floppy disk), Grimlock took command of the Autobots. He was powerful for sure but not quite the same just leader that Prime was.
I personally was surprised but it made for an interesting read when I did read the comics.
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Imagine Blaster commanding the Autobots!
Blaster was very briefly assigned the leadership of the Autobots after the death of Optimus Prime in the comic books, but was forced to sign command over to Grimlock shortly after. Around that time Fortress Maximus (also mentioned earlier) also held command.
Since we covered Fortress Maximus earlier, we won’t mention him again. So moving on!

Ratchet was another Autobot who given commands during the absence of Optimus Prime (after defeating Megatron). Followed by another popular Autobot…

Prowl took command after Ratchet in the Marvel comics for a very brief run also. Which makes a lot of sense as he as often been referred to as one of the higher ranking Autobots in the comic book universe.
Did I miss anything?
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